Rob Shenton
Rob served in the military for 25 years until he was medically discharged with depression and PTSD in 2016. While his father was fighting cancer, Rob started running ultra-marathons. He set himself a challenge of running what are reputed to be the toughest, highest and coldest foot races in the world. The battle with mental illness has been one big constant struggle for Rob. However, throughout all this Rob continued on his running challenge. In 2011 Rob went and completed the Marathon des Sables, in 2013 he added the Everest Marathon and he finish in April 2018 quite literally on top of the world with the North Pole Marathon.
Rob is a high functioning depressive who has used what he has learnt from running in the extremes to help him cope with his mental illness. He tries to apply the same basic principles of preparing for a tough running event as he does to managing his life. After years of trial and error, counselling and hard work Rob developed a rough set of guidelines that helped improve his mental fitness. This was put to the test in August 2020 when Rob had a major cycling accident, breaking seven vertebrae in his back and neck. Running has given Rob so much and he wants to pass on these lessons