Full membership
Before you can sign up as a member, please look at the sessions available for your events and then make contact with the most suitable coach. They will be able to let you know if there are spaces in their groups, the days and times they train.
We offer trial sessions to new members, to give you time to see if the training and club is right for you. Once you’ve completed the trial, you’ll be expected to sign up as a member.
Once you’re ready to join us, you’ll need to register via our online membership system, LoveAdmin. If you’re signing up for your child, please make sure you add their details to the system.
You’ll have to select the type of membership from a drop-down list. A breakdown of the different types of memberships can be seen below. The majority of our new members are a ‘Full Member‘.
Full member
This one-off payment allows you to compete for SAC and attend any of our training sessions with our qualified coaches.
Second claim
MUST be first claim with another club.
No Facilities
This one-off payment allows you to compete for SAC but does not give access to the track or other SAC funded training facility. You can still attend training sessions by SAC coaches at outside locations.
Second claim
MUST be first claim with another club
First two members pay the full first claim member fee and each additional member only pays the EA registration fee.
Additional family member
Per extra family member.
Once you’ve signed up to Lovedmin, your application will be reviewed and payment will be requested. Once payment has been received, you’ll be issued with an electronic membership card. The membership card can be viewed by downloading the LoveAdmin app from the App Store or Google Play. Active Nation will be doing regular checks, so it’s important that you can display your membership card when asked.
Please note once you have paid your membership we do not offer refunds if you leave before the end of the membership year.