
Tracey Jones wins National Volunteer Award

2020 Volounteer Award winners at the 2021 Hall of Fame.

Our Club Chair, Tracey Jones, final received her Volunteer of the Year award at the 2021 Hall of Fame celebration.

Congratulations to Tracey, very well deserved!

Volunteer of the Year Award: Tracey Jones – Southampton AC (South East region)

Tracey Jones got involved with athletics through her son and is now an official, jumps coach, officials’ secretary and the main organiser of the SAC open competitions. Recently she took over the role of club chair. She is friendly, enthusiastic and approachable: she can be found scoring, serving tea and coffee, on field, helping everywhere. Described as the heart and soul of the club, Tracey actively encourages parents and people from the local community to get involved with the club.

Tracey said: “Thank you to everyone at the club who has helped me along the way, and especially my husband who cooks and drives for me when I am at the club three evenings a week!”