Committee Meeting March 2018 a brief overview
We formally welcomed Mary Axtell back to the committee after her recent illness.
We agreed to review a new expense policy with Team Managers before presenting to the committee for approval.
We had the usual reports from the Chairman, Treasurer and Membership secretary. Club membership is consistent in line with previous years although it was acknowledged that it is early days in view of the membership fee increase.
Richie Pearson updated us on entries for the club Netley 10k on Sunday 28 May 2018 and reminded us that this is the most profitable event for the club and that we need commitment from volunteers in order for it to take place. A review of the race will be conducted this year.
Plans for the Awards Evening on 23 March are progressing well; guest speakers have accepted their invitation and some very good raffle prizes have been secured and donated by local companies.
The new agreement with Active Nation has now been signed and includes use of the track on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (summer only – academy only) and Thursday all day and weekend mornings. All SAC members and SAC coached groups can use the track for free providing their membership fees have been paid. The club will be doing random checks at the track to ensure this is the case.
We discussed some additional training venues that SAC currently finance and whether they can be better utilised in view of the new track arrangements.
Diane Reavey gave us an update on the new pavilion having just received the comparative revised building costs which require further examination. Richie reported that Tina Dyer-Smith of Southampton City Council is to submit a presentation to the Council on the Sports Centre Redevelopment proposals, which she would then present to SAC at a meeting to be arranged.
Committee members present were Richie Pearson, Mark West, Diane Reavey, Mary Axtell, David Blackman, Mike Coker, Becky Mulley, Ashley Cooper, Fiona Webb, Jon Tilt, Dawn Thatcher, Tracey Jones, Chris Thompson, Dr Elizabeth Pugh, Andy Palmer.
Our next committee meeting is on Monday 16 April 2018.