Clubs AGM takes place tomorrow
In line with the communication sent to all members on the 30th October, the AGM of Southampton Athletic Club CIO takes place tomorrow at The View at Southampton Sports Centre at 7.30pm.Let's be honest, AGM's can be a little dull but this one will be of greate interest as Richie updates members on the progress to improve the sports centre's facilities and temporary arrangements to improve the existing track facilities.
In addition, the commitee is putting forward proposals for small increases in membership fees to enable a landmark change where members will be able to use authorised training venues free of charge as part of their membership fee. The objective is to give the majority of members unprecedented levels of benefits and value for money for being part of this great club.
Please come along to debate the change and to help you I attach below some FAQ's which may answer some of your questions ahead of tomorrow's meeting.
FAQ's for increases to club membership 2016