Bill Bushnell
A message from Debbie Callaway
It is with great sadness that I am writing to advise of the recent
passing of my father, Bill Bushnell. Bill was a throws coach of some
distinction, who moved to Southampton in 2004, having previously
coached for over 35 years in Essex. Bill was a charismatic and
determined individual who loved most sports, but in particular had a
long lasting passion for athletics, firstly as an international
javelin thrower himself, and then as a highly successful throws coach.
A former teacher, Bill was also renowned for his humour and
entertaining stories about life, sport and education.
Bill willingly gave so much of his time to help and inspire throwers
of all ages and abilities to succeed and reach their full potential.
He installed a great work ethic and competitiveness into his athletes,
teaching them how to both win and lose with humility and dignity.
Despite suffering significant ill-health during his 70's, Bill never
lost his considerable enthusiasm for our sport, and would still be
seen regularly at the side of a run up or throwing circle, three of
four times a week, both winter and summer in all weathers.
It has been heart-warming for my mum and I to be reminded of the huge
positive influence that Bill has had over so many young people, and we
thank you for all your well-wishes. I have attached a link to a
tribute to Bill, which gives details of his funeral on 17th May, 2019.