
 Physio-Led Pilates Classes

Michelle Cox Physio Pilates:

Physio Led Pilates classes at The Lodge Retreat (Sherfield English, Romsey) 

Wednesday Evening at 7:30pm

Friday Morning at 9:30am 

These are small group classes run by a qualified Physiotherapist and Pilates Instructor, the classes are perfect to run alongside your normal training, to support rehab from injury and for injury prevention. You will build core strength, joint stability and improve your mobility. Due to the classes being run by a Physiotherapist exercises can be adapted to support individual injuries. 

If you require further information please contact Michelle on 07786262824 or

Website - 

Special offer for SAC Athletes:

I currently have special deal running if you book to get our September/October class block (7 sessions) for £50. Normal pricing is £10 per class. Classes start first week in September - spaces still available

Specific running-based Pilates class can also be set-up at a specific time/day that would suit best for the club members with a minimum of 8 sign ups (with class maximum being 12 people).