
Club Awards Evening and Barn Dance

The Club Annual Awards at a Presentation Evening to be held on Friday 8th April 2016 at Victoria House, Hampshire Constabulary, Hamble Lane, Southampton, SO31 4TS, at 7:30pm. The Award Presentation will start at 7:45pm. This will be a buffet/barn dance and will cost £8 per adult and £5 per child (17 and Under). Tickets are available from Richie Pearson, Sara and Gary MacDonald-Gray, Jon Tilt, Tracey Jones and Andy Fisher. We very much hope that club members, family and friends will be able to attend for the Awards Presentation and Barn Dance. It is very important that we know who is attending and if you would like to attend but are unlikely to see one of the ticket sellers before 8th April PLEASE let one of them know and pay for your ticket on the night.